The holidays started 22 July 2019! Itinerary Ireland!

Before heading to the Stena Line ferry from Hoek of Holland, we did some groceries at Naaldwijks’ Jumbo supermarket surprising Kim who just started her new job.
After groceries we said hello to Ron and Melanie while sipping coffee in their backyard and when the clock turned to half past 12 we said goodbye and drove to Hoek van Holland.

Scheduled departure time was 2.15pm, but due to a broken engine of a lorry apparently we left Hoek around 2:45pm.

During the crossing I watched the French F1 GP Paul Ricard qualification and the 2nd half of Womens World Champion soccer match Germany – Nigeria and saw Maarten crawling the Fries canals trying to break his record by swimming the 200km. long Fries Eleven city tour.

During the crossing the Captain confirmed another delay because of some problems with the 4th engine. We could not keep up to the usual speed and to make our stay on the Stena Brittanica even longer…we had to wait docking in front of the harbour as a large cargo vessel had to turn inside the Harwich harbour.

Leaving Harwich about 1,5 hours behind schedule we found ourselves driving on the left hand side on the British roads. Soon after we had left Harwich behind us, we encountered a road block just before Colchester. Confused as we were, we lost some more worthy minutes…

Worthy minutes indeed as we booked a spot on Kelvedon Hatch Camping Park just before Londons’ Motorway 25 where we actually had to arrive before 8pm…We left the motorway  and head for the camping park along narrow but quiet countryside roads. Just before we entered the park we saw the back of a deer in shimmering lights disappearing in the woods. The reception was closed as expected, but after a quick phone call the carekeeper showed up and explained us the ins and outs of the park. Good night.

I had promised myself to do some exercise every morning by running half an hour, and so before breakfast I put on my running gear and jogged through the lovely countryside just outside the hustle and bustle of greater London. By passing by huge country cottages and running through the lawns of Bently Golf Course I circled back to the campsite where Romy prepared breakfast outside of the van. We enjoyed having breakfast outside as the weather forecast for Ireland wasn’t that good after all…We will have some rain the upcoming days…

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